Monument to Yakov Sverdlov

The Monument to Yakov Sverdlov erected on Parizhskoy Kommuny Square,
is a true symbol of Soviet Sverdlovsk, repeatedly illustrated on stamps, greeting
cards, and calendars.
It appeared prior to an artistic competition announced in 1923. According
to the technical design specification, the monument was supposed to express
the “idea of fighting for communism via a dictatorship of the working class”.
In addition to that, the sculptor was required to convey the personality
of “Comrade Andrey”, the “strong, unwavering organizer with total conviction”.
The projects sent in were presented for all to see and the surveying of the party congress delegates was organized, but none of the projects won support.
In the meantime, half of the commission’s members for the monument’s erection
managed to go west. Help came from a place they did not expect it: Leningrad
plant “Krasny Vyborzhets” volunteered to complete the entire job for the monument’s creation. Sculptor Matvey Kharlamov was put in charge of crafting the figure, which he casted for “an orator calling the working masses of harsh Ural
to fight resiliently and rebel” in three forms. The authority commission selected
sample No. 1 and the project got cooking.
The triumphant presentation of the bronze monument was coordinated to take
place on the anniversary of Ural’s freeing from Kolchak forces on July 15, 1927.
The architectural style of the monument takes the form of a boulder pedestal out
of Shartash granite, which belonged to Sigizmund Dombrovsky, and entails symbolic significance: it was in Stone booths (Shartash granite skerry) where Yakov
Sverdlov conducted his illegal “meetings” as an underground agitator.

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