Mining Pharmacy

The Pharmacy building was erected in 1821 by order of the mining administration “for the treatment of workmen in need: for if they die without medical attention suddenly, there would be a major halt in all affairs.” The fancy, classic mansion
with a penthouse appeared at the previous location of the old pharmacy, located
at the small corner across from the Saint Catherine Cathedral. The building’s project belonged to the famous Ural architect Mikhail Malakhov. The Pharmacy garden behind the building was laid out and surrounded with a gated fence.
Otherwise, the Pharmacy is famous for more than just the name of the architect that built it. The first pharmacist that worked there was assessor Gustav
Gelm, who moved from Moscow to Ekaterinburg. The work cut out for him was
quite daunting: the pharmacy equipped the plants and hospitals of the entire
region with medicine. This didn’t prevent Gelm from dedicating part of his time
to scientific research. In particular, the wonderful mineralogical collections
of the Ekaterinburg “Good Chemist, Botanist, and Mineralogist Pharmacy” became
known thanks to the German naturalist Alexander von Humboldt, who visited Ural
in 1829.
In 1886, the story of the Mining Pharmacy came to a close, but not the collections and the collectors. Over a hundred years later, in 1992, the Stone-Cutting and
Jewellery History Museum was founded. There, visitors can get acquainted with
works performed by the craftsmen of the Ekaterinburg granular factory as well
as visit Malachite Hall and the Bazhov Room decorated with Palekh miniature
painting panels depicting famous tale scenes.

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